Sunday 28 October 2012

Jane's Internship 2012

As my four-month summer holiday in Hong Kong began to draw to a close, so did my research internship at HKDCS.

The past two months had certainly been the highlight of this summer, not to mention being the most memorable and inspiring internship that I have yet attended over the past few years. At HKDCS no two days are the same. We can never know what we will see on a particular trip, be it one calmly surfacing porpoise or a large pod of socializing dolphins; and be it our first or last day, seeing these mammals can never fail to enthuse us. For me, what makes HKDCS so different from the many other organizations at which I have previously worked is this expectation for the unpredictability that made my every single day at HKDCS so unforgettable.

There were so many memorable experiences that I could not possibly name them all, ranging from the petitions outside Ocean Park and the Japanese Consulate Council, to the once-in-a-lifetime hike up Lung Kwu Chau, and to the discovery of a porpoise carcass on my penultimate day of work. Never had I seen a live porpoise in its entire form during the two months, and to see a carcass of this species was truly one overwhelming experience for me. It made me realise for the first time how real and close these animals are to us humans, and how vulnerable they are to the dangers that the human presence poses for them.

HKDCS is a truly wonderful organization, with amazing people working together towards a beautiful goal of protecting our lovable Chinese white dolphins and finless porpoises in the seas. I am missing everyone and the dolphins here in England, and will definitely be back soon for a visit!

Monday 1 October 2012

James's Summer Internship

Hello everyone!

I was a summer intern at HKDCS from mid-July to mid-September and am now writing this from Southampton in the UK just after term has started. Since I've finished my internship, I couldn't stop thinking about all the dolphins and porpoises that I've seen over the summer. While time flies when you're conducting surveys, this internship has made this one of my most fulfilling summers to date, allowing me to contribute to some valuable research being done on the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin and the Finless Porpoise.

There were some challenging times during those two months. We had to get up early for land-based surveys, getting exposed under the searing heat of the sun on most days, fighting seasickness on a regular basis during boat surveys etc. Though this may put some people off, the minute you see a group of dolphins always puts a smile on my face, and I forget about the harsh conditions that I was working in.

I can't really pick out any highlights during my internship, because I have so many wonderful memories of active dolphins giving us a magnificent show during surveys, much better than any 'show' from captive dolphins. One particular highlight, though, was seeing a newborn calf during one of our land-based observations. It was possibly the cutest thing that I have ever seen.

Anyway, for anyone looking for a challenge, and hoping to contribute to the survival of these magnificent dolphins, an internship with the Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society is definitely worth it. All the staff are very friendly and will help you with any problems, and you gain valuable insight in how marine mammal research is conducted and get to take part in it. Also, it sounds cool when you tell all your friends that you've been doing dolphin research over the summer.

To anyone whose thinking about becoming an intern at HKDCS, stop thinking and start applying!

難忘趣事開心share!! :D

Hello~ 我係 HKDCS 呢個暑假ge實習生 Heyman 呀 :D

實習期間 我地做左好多海裡陸上的海豚研究 令我大開眼界
但係我點都估唔到 自己會咁好彩係見到d咁畢生難忘ge情景

係今年8月中 我地走去深屈做 land-based 的時候
遠方有一條中華白海豚媽媽將啱啱出世ge海豚bb頂上水面 幫助佢呼吸
而條海豚bb身上仲有胎摺 所以相信出左世冇幾耐
一來望遠鏡放大倍數始終不及theodolite 二來海豚bb實在太細條喇
要好留心 先會見到 "海豚媽媽上水戈陣隔離有舊黑色野"
之後我地就輪流用望遠鏡一直追蹤住海豚bb ge動向 順便做埋survey

 (圖片來源: 網上)

原來除左海豚媽媽之外 佢身邊戈三條海豚都輪流咁游近bb 幫手教佢游水
過左幾個字之後 海豚bb終於都識得自己上水呼吸喇
有時海豚bb仲好八厭ga 游游下就會游開左 要海豚媽媽追番個bb
過多陣 我地就見到海豚bb愈游愈順 愈游愈優美喇

原來呢個時候海豚媽媽係bb面前使出佢ge看家本領 -- 捉魚
俾海豚bb聞下新鮮魚ge味道 等佢大個之後快d戒奶 捉魚食

由開頭在大海中未掌握生存技巧 到後來行動自如 真的是非常窩心的一件事

當中還提及「希希」係香港生活所受到的生命威脅 如高速船撞擊和噪音污染

(圖片來源: 香港自然探索會學會 Facebook page)