Thursday 6 September 2012

Matt's Intership---2012 Summer

大家好, 我係summer intern Matthew.  我o係HKDCS已經做o左三個月喇!
呢三個月除o左學到好多關於海豚嘅知識同埋點去conduct survey外, 我覺得最特別係可以接觸好多同survey以外嘅事物。

Intern嘅第二日我地就跟o左Samuel去主持一個press condference, 咁大個仔都無去過press conference,所以係個全新嘅體驗, 個press conference係關於第三條跑道同高速船點影響海豚嘅數目、行為。

記者會上見到Smauel即使面對記者們尖銳嘅問題, 仍然係耐心解答, 令我都知道自己要做多d reading, 充實自己!

Internship嘅第三個星期, 一間本地電視台跟o左我地出海, 佢地同Samuel做o左訪問, 探討港珠澳大橋嘅填海工程對海豚有咩影響。

兩個星期後, 節目播出, 我竟然o係電視見到自己呀!

去到七月中, 就到o左學會一年一度嘅書展喇!

書展期間, 我地要不斷同客人講解介紹佢地有興趣嘅書籍; o係工餘時間我都有刻意閱讀書展有展示嘅書籍, 好讓自己o係介紹嘅時候能夠更準確同生動。今年嘅書展有賴眾員工、intern同義工嘅努力, 得以成功圓滿結束!
Internship嘅最後一日, 我地去o左日本領事館嘅位址請願, 希望日本停止捕鯨!
Save Japan's Dolphins; Stop the Slaughter!

我好慶幸o係自己internship嘅最後一日仍然可以為海豚出一分力, 我地派嘅每一張傳單、每一本書仔其實都希望市民正式海豚所面對嘅問題, 期間我地亦有向途人解釋人工餵養帶俾海豚嘅問題。

除o左呢d大型活動, 我都試過去中小學幫手做學會講talk嘅helper; o係HKDCS做intern除o左學識好多scientific嘅知識外, 亦擴闊o左自己嘅視野; 呢三個月過得真係好有意義!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Japan Dolphins Day - 31 August 2012

Coming into the fourth week of my internship, I am delighted to have had the opportunity to participate in an event as globalised and pivotal as such!

Held across the world in as many as 88 countries, the Japan Dolphins Day protests aimed to commemorate and spread the word about the annual monstrous mass slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan, that was first put into the international spotlight by the Oscar-winning documentary The Cove. The sad fact is that the killings have yet again recommenced, and only just a few days ago. Thus on 31 August/1 September, dolphin activists from all around the globe (including major cities such as Hong Kong, Brisbane, Frankfurt, Los Angeles, London etc.) made their way to their local Japanese embassies, in the hope of drawing the attention of Japanese consuls, the media and passers-by to the plight of our defenseless dolphins.

Judging from the many befuddled expressions of the white-collar workers of Central, it dawned upon me that the lack of public participation and awareness of the heinous happenings in the quiet town of Taiji has been and still is a major contributor to the legal loophole in the regulation of Japanese fisheries. Oriented towards financial considerations and economic development (through the marketing of dolphin meat and the export of dolphins to aquariums), Japan’s development policies remains locked in for an amoral path that has little regard for the dolphins’ hardships. Indeed whilst we cannot know exactly whether and how the Japanese government will respond to the cause of the Taiji dolphins, the knowledge that we have further informed Hong Kong people and hopefully imprinted in their minds of the dolphins’ sufferings was what made 31 August a most memorable conclusion to my first month at HKDCS!