Saturday 30 March 2013

My First Month in Hong Kong

Hey everyone!

My name is Mairead and I am currently the newest intern at HKDCS! I decided to apply for this internship to help with my decision as to whether or not I should go back to university and do my masters. So far I have been here a month and I am really enjoying myself! Each week and even day, is so different! Whether its a new survey area, a new weather condition to deal with or even a new type of survey it was been really amazing! It has been great to really get first hand experience as to what researchers do and how they go about doing it.

Because I have had so many different amazing experiences since I have been here I thought that I would just list a few of them to give you an idea of what I've been so lucky to experience;

1. The first time I saw a Porpoise was so cool! These mammals are so shy and are hard to see, so it was really exciting! I have found myself becoming more and more curious about them every time I am lucky enough to see them!

2. One day when we were out in Porpoise waters we saw Porpoise proposing! From the little we know about them this was considered totally out of character because as I said before they are considered to be such shy mammals!

3. My first dolphin sighting was a special moment for me, as I felt like I was really one of the team! I'd be lying if I said I didn't get excited and possibly jump up and down :D

4.The first time I saw a dolphin calf was also very special. It is amazing to see just how small they really are and it is great to see that renewal of life of these stunning mammals!

5. One day we were completely surrounded by Porpoise! I am talking about in ever direction and everywhere! There must have been about 25 of them surrounding us and it was awesome to see so many of them and to know that they are still out there :)

6. The people that I have met and have been lucky enough to work with while I have been here is a huge highlight! This whole experience would not have been the same without them. It has been great to learn from them, as they are so experienced, to see their passion for these amazing mammals and also to makes friends with them! Some of them are leaving us soon and I can already say that they will really be missed!

I could continue on for ages about all the great things I have seen and experienced while I have been here but I think I will leave it at that for now and will try and update you all again soon!

Mairead :)

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