Today, Maria and I had finished a Land-Base Survey by our own. I think we had performed it well because we can record data smoothly and expertly. It may the result of us to work hard and paid attention when learning of Land-Base Survey technique. It was cloudy today, but extreme humid, seems very hot. Luckily, there was a strong wind all the time, otherwise we will be bathed in sweat while surveying!!
There were only three sighting today and those sighting had just

appear briefly. This picture shows there were eight boats including trawlers and container appearing in our survey region. Most of them are harboring and some are sailing. As cetacean rely on sound as their primary source of navigation, noise from boat engines may interrupt their communication. Maybe gather of boat is one of the reasons that fewer dolphins appear on the water surface and stay in this region today.

Become a researcher, patient is very important. Although today have only a few sighting, but we have continued to observe and record data patiently. Is it our talent to be an observer and researcher? I’m not sure, but the true is that we really enjoy our duty in HKDCS and honor to contribute to the wild-life research.
Higher Lai
Yes, you are right! Patience, tolerance and concentration are essential for doing survey. Especially the boat survey, we don't have many sightings most of the time at some area or seasons. But remember, no sighting is also some important data for the ecology of the animal. Anyway, well done and keep going!