The HK Book Fair provided me another chance to face the public. Different from the DRT Expo, it was not just introducing some conservation issues to the public, but in main focus, selling books to the visitors. (Of course the reason behind selling these books is also to promote environemtnal conservation to the public.) I was not only simply a visitor but I was also a salesperson. It was my first time to be a salesperson so I didn't know how to get start selling books to the visitors. I observed other salespersons like Vincent and Nekky and practiced so that I became more comfortable and initiative to talk to the visitors. The feeling of success when the visitors decided to buy books after I convinced them was so great. I knew my book selling skill was not good enough and I was not initiative enough. But I thought I had made improvement compared to DRT Expo. And I saw the importance of initiative from two top salesperson of our booth, Mr. Lau and Perry. I really need to learn from them.
Although being an exhibitor in the book fair was quite exhausting, I still enjoyed it. And I felt upset when it came to the end of the book fair. I would like to thanks everyone participating in our booth at the book fair for giving me such a great experience.

There are two weeks left for my intern. The coming week will be an exciting week because we will be full of manpower so that we will be divided into two team work on boat survey and land-based theodolite tracking. And we will have the boat survey in China Zhuhai on the last week. I am looking forward to sharing with you my feeling and experience in the coming two weeks! See you!